ArticleReach and Inter-library loans: things to consider before you request: Home

ArticleReach and Inter-library loans: things to consider before you request: Home

The library staff is happy to fill inter-library loan requests, but please consider a few important points before you place that request:

Before placing an ILL request for a book

  • Have you checked Link+ to see if the item is available there? Link+ is an easier and faster way to request books from other libraries than traditional inter-library loan.

Before placing an ArticleReach or ILL request for a journal article

  • How badly do you need it? Is this really the best (or only) article for your purpose? ArticleReach and ILL do not deliver articles instantly. They take time. We suggest checking all articles available directly through Hiebert Library (refine your search to “full text”) before making an ArticleReach or ILL request. You may find another resource that’s immediately available that meets your needs just as well (or even better) than the one you would have requested.
  • Is it available in full-text online? Articles often exist elsewhere on the Web in full-text form. Do a search for the title of the article on Google Scholar or any regular Web browser, putting the title in quotation marks (ex: “Interpreting the Un-Expected: Oral Realization and Translation”) to see if you can find the article free of charge through another site. The great thing about taking this step is that Encore has already done the work of telling you it’s a reliable resource, so if you do find it online in full-text that step is already done! Continue reading “ArticleReach and Inter-library loans: things to consider before you request: Home”

From The Playground to the Office – Bullies are Bullies

From The Playground to the Office – Bullies are Bullies

The fact is that today you have sometimes only milliseconds to make a first impression and often never a chance to change that impression. In person, people make their first impression of you in less than 17 seconds – typically between 4 and 12 seconds. On the internet, people make a decision about a website (thus the business) in less than a second – 3 seconds tops. Once the impression is made, it takes focused effort to reverse it, if you ever have that chance.

In my business, I constantly hear, “I don’t get any business from my website but my sales are doing ok,” or “I just put a website up because someone told me I should but I don’t get any traffic so I don’t update it”, among dozens of other reasons companies don’t focus on their website messaging.

The fact is that you may not be losing business because of poor website design or content but you are definitely not gaining business that way

Cosmetically, your website has to be appealing for people to even read the content. In less than 1/20 th of a second, people decide if they are going to stay on the site or go somewhere else. If it is too busy, looks unprofessional or just downright ugly, people leave; however once you get past the first hurdle, you can still lose a potential client in less than 30 seconds. Continue reading “From The Playground to the Office – Bullies are Bullies”